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TROUG Day 2012: System Design for a Million TPS

Here are the slides (System Design for a Million TPS) for my talk in TROUG Day 2012. Many of you also asked for the name of the book I have mentioned. It was

The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling by R. K. Jain

Thank you for joining us in TROUG Day 2012.

An English Man in Istanbul

A gentle man… An Oracle expert … An esteemed community figure…
Yes. As the reader of this Oracle focused blog, you should figure out about whom I am talking. Last week (on Thursday), we have achieved to set first Turkey Oracle User Group (TROUG) Day at Bahcesehir University.

We have just discussed on the keynote speaker as the Turkish community members and agreed on one name: Jonathan Lewis
The problem was that as being such a popular figure in community, it was almost impossible to find a proper gap for our event in Jonathan’s schedule. As I have sent the invitation to him and asked for his attendance on one Sunday afternoon, Jonathan just replied that he would be with us and perform the keynote speech. Almost a month after our mailing, Jonathan was on stage at Bahcesehir University auditorium as our keynote speaker talking “just about joining two tables”.
It was amazing that we have finally achieved with this user group day and the man whose books are my Oracle library’s masterpiece was on stage.
Thank you Jonathan personally and as the founding member of TROUG for honoring us and hope to see you soon again…